A gorilla doesn’t rap on his chest for nothing. In Chinese medicine the thymus gland, situated at the bottom of the neck and running towards the sternum in a tuber shape, is most important in the control of the flow of ch’i.
Certain sounds are said to have an effect upon certain organs, and if we use these sounds in conjunction with the tapping then we are able to heal the controller of ch’i.
Close your fists and rap on your chest lightly twice as you breathe in. Now as you throw both fists back as far as they will go in an explosive manner, say the sound ‘HA. Be sure to have a light practice before to warm up the muscles, because the chest and back are stretched.
The sound ‘HA strengthens the heart but the sound must come from the lower belly and really try to knock out the back wall with the sound. Try not to be around other people as they will think you quite mad.
Practise the same arm movements with all the other sounds, and make the sounds come from the lower belly:
The sound ‘TSSSS’ strengthens the lungs.
The sound ‘SHU’ strengthens the liver.
The sound ‘FU strengthens the kidneys.
The sound ‘HU’ strengthens the spleen.
The sound ‘SHI’ strengthens the solar plexus.
Take this exercise easy at first and stretch the muscles before you start. If you are treating a particular organ that is damaged, repeat the sound 36 times. For general good health repeat only 5 times.
From - Buddhist Meditation - Contemplation of the Mind
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Treat Damaged Organs with the Power of Sounds
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
10:25 PM
Monday, September 29, 2008
Using Music for Meditation
In meditation we are trying to quieten the mind. If we can stop the usual thoughts of the mind we can go from our ordinary, mundane consciousness to a more peaceful state. Meditation music can play an important role in helping to calm the mind and enable us to go to a quieter space. Most beginners to meditation feel that it is almost impossible to stop our own thoughts. (Not for nothing has our mind been likened to a mad monkey!) However it is possible through practise, right preparation and various different techniques that will help us.
A particularly useful exercise is to harmonise our breathing; by focusing on our own breathing it enables us to quieten the mind. However there are times when our mind is still very restless; perhaps because of a busy day or a weight of problems. This is where music can be very helpful to our meditation.
Firstly meditative music can help to drown out any extraneous noises that can easily disturb us. We should not feel we have to go to a Himalayan cave to meditate, we can meditate even in the midst of a busy city, yet unfortunately modern life can be noisy. This is beyond our control but meditative music is one thing we can use to overcome this potential problem.
Secondly music can have a big effect on our emotions and state of mind. Obviously for meditation we need to choose music which is composed and performed in a meditative fashion. Rock music is good for energising ourselves, but hopeless for meditation. However the right meditation music will raise our aspirations from the mundane and make ourselves more receptive to the inner poise and peace within. Sri Chinmoy says:
“Each time we hear soulful music, we get inspiration and delight. In the twinkling of an eye, music can elevate our consciousness.”
When meditating to music there are two approaches we can take. The first is to concentrate intensely on the music listening to each note. This is effective because it takes us out of ourselves and gives us something to focus on. However we should make sure we are concentrating with our heart and not the mind. What we mean by this is that we do not listen to music with our intellectual mind to examine and listen for wrong notes. We are merely focusing our a aware and allow ourselves to be absorbed in the meditative flow.The second way of meditating music is to not pay any attention specifically to the music but just feel it as inspiring background music.
There will come a time in our meditation when we wish to meditate in absolute silence and we will not have any need for music. However especially when we are beginners music can be a very useful tool that helps us in our meditation.
It is interesting that many of the great music composers often had experiences that could be described as similar to meditation, even though they did not consciously aim for it. For example when Handel composed the Hallelujah Chorus he stated that.
"Whether I was in my body or out of my body as I wrote it, I know not. God knows."
Tejvan is an economics teacher in Oxford and is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre. Richard is a keen cyclist competing in races across the UK he also edits a site about the music of Sri Chinmoy |
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
10:03 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How to Enjoy, Relax, Listen - Hypnosis
With today's lifestyle people do not take the time to relax and unwind. Staying tense and stressed out is the price that people pay to live the life that they do. Work, family, bills, transportation can all weigh heavily on a persons mind as he or she tries to get through the day avoiding any confrontations or stress. Unfortunately stress cannot be avoided and we all need to learn of different ways to embrace it. Throughout the years people have learned to deal with stress in many different ways; smoking, drinking, gambling, blasting music, driving, sports, and more. Everyone is different and not everything will work for everybody. Habits can be very unhealthy and if you are ready to break your habit you may feel like you need a little help. That is where you can benefit from relax listen hypnosis.
Relax listen hypnosis is a great way to help yourself through breaking the habit. It points you in the right direction and makes it easier to get through living without the habit without spending tons of money on programs that simply do not work. Relax listen hypnosis can be done at home listening to a CD, DVD, or MP3. Once you purchase the program it is either downloaded onto your computer or it is sent to you in a CD or DVD so you can enjoy it anytime you need to.
In order to make relax, listen hypnosis work you may want to use a separate room in your home away from everyone where you can shut the door and be alone. You can also listen to your CD or Mp3 at work during your lunch hour or break. You may become so relaxed that you also reduce the stress that is usually brought on by things at work. If you are not one that relaxes very much it may be time to consider relaxation techniques to help you.
There are several different types of relax listen hypnosis techniques available today; phobias, addictions, weight loss, weight gain, nail biting, and more. Each one will help heal the body, break the habit and reduce the stress. Some may have a hard time understanding how relax listen hypnosis works. It basically provides the words and suggestions to help you relax but you need to provide the atmosphere to make it possible. There are certain times when you are not going to be able to relax but for those moments you can then you need a relax listen hypnosis tape.
The self help guide coaches you through relaxation techniques to help you relax and unwind. It also takes on the power of suggestion which will work only if you are relaxed enough to receive the suggestions. If you are skeptical of hypnosis to begin with you may find it hard to relax and benefit from the relax listen hypnosis program until you do accept it. In order to see if it is right for you, ask a professional, friends, family or anyone who has tried it. It will only work if you are willing to relax completely.
Astounding Secrets Revealed In A Free Hypnosis Guide Instantly Turns Average Joes Into Masters of Mind Control...You WILL Be Hypnotizing People In Minutes: http://www.ReviewHypnosis.com
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
10:08 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
Music For Meditation
First, why do we need to meditate? Meditation is a process of deeply relaxing the mind by focusing on only one thought. Focusing means repeating a word or several words to divert you from any distractions and attaining calmness of the mind.
Meditation sounds as easy. You may even feel like you have done this during those glum days when everything doesn’t seem right. Like the time you failed algebra class and you sit down on the table, with a cup of coffee in hand, pretending to be engrossed in the latest news, but are actually seeing and hearing nothing. Well not quite…you may look as calm and peaceful as someone meditating but your mind is a definite clutter.
A lot of people who are just beginning to get acquainted with meditation find it hard to stay focus. Some are not used to staying “thoughtless” even for just a few minutes. That is where guided meditations come in. Some of these use tools like meditation music and meditation scripts to help to motivate these people to concentrate.
What types of Meditation Music are there?
Meditation music can be you choice of soothing music. It doesn’t necessarily have to be some Indian chants or a Mozart piece. It can be just any music that you feel will clear your mind off any thought. Some professional guides who conduct private sessions use meditation music with cues. These cues are like scripts that they read to those meditating so that they can attain a state of deep relaxation easier and faster.
Websites for Meditation Music CD’S
A lot of websites provide free meditation rooms which include calming images too look at for exercises. These sites also have several tracks of meditation music. Highly recommended meditation music cd’s can also be found with reviews from people who have tried using them in their meditation.
Most meditation music have been said to have helped people attain the blissful state after only a few minutes of listening. Some meditation music contains operatic music samples, music from choirs, and even just natural sounds. Visiting www.bliss-music.com will let you hear samples of different kinds of meditation music and will provide you with free samples of scripts that you can use as guide to your meditation practice.
Use of Meditation Music
The use of meditation music as a means for people to focus more does not explain the theory of music but makes it possible for these people to be involved with music. There are thousands of tracks of meditation music that you one can choose from. It doesn’t matter if it sounds like a séance or someone just learning to play the piano. The important thing is it works for you.
by: Alien Sheng
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
12:27 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Meditation Music
Meditation music can significantly enhance your meditation session. Gentle sounds and rhythms can help you to achieve a deeper state of calm, peacefulness and relaxation.
It is well established that sound and rhythm can create mental and emotional environments. As early as the 1920s, researchers were making connections between music, enhanced mental alertness, concentration and imagination.
Music has the capability to directly affect our physical being. Many cultures ascribe to this tenet. For example, according to the principles of Indian music, human beings are composed of sound. The vibrations inherent in sound can either bring us into greater accord with the vibrations of the universe or completely disrupt our chakras (centers of being). Music for meditation can either inhibit or expand our consciousness, depending on the selection that we make.
All this talk of alignment, vibrations and chakras may seem daunting, but the principles behind choosing appropriate meditation music is really quite simple. Basically, if you are looking to create a specific atmosphere, the tempo of the music should match the mood that you are trying to bring about. For example, upbeat and catchy tunes are most appropriate for the workplace or in other situations where you need to stay awake and focused. For meditation music, a compilation of soothing tones and sounds will take you where you need to go. You really can’t go wrong with meditation music that is peaceful, relaxing and tranquil.
Music for meditation is as much about personal choice as anything else. Ask yourself, “When do I feel the most relaxed? When have I felt the most at peace in my life?” For example, if you have an affinity for the ocean, you might choose a meditation CD with the sound of waves crashing upon the shore. Or, if you like jazz, you might choose meditation music with gentle piano and saxophone rhythms. Remember, meditation is a personal journey and it is up to you to choose which tools you are going to take along.
There are many resources which offer meditation music. Music for meditation is now widely available online, in bookstores, in popular music shops and in health and wellness stores. Some meditation CDs are a collection of harmonies, while others offer spoken words and mantras to guide you along the way.
Other types of meditation music are specifically designed to release past hurts and emotions through a combination of music and guided imagery. Still others help you to deal with inner fears or severely traumatic experiences. Meditation CDs may be used alone or as part of a more formal music therapy program.
If you are new to meditation, you may have difficulty descending into the calm and tranquil state that is so necessary for maximum clarity and self-discovery. Here, music for meditation can be a great tool in creating a profound meditative experience.
As you gain experience, turning on your meditation CD may become an unnecessary step in your journey. However, many find that music makes their meditative experience that much more energizing and refreshing.
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
10:27 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Music To Meditate By
Some people prefer to meditate silently without any music there are others who prefer to meditate with music. Different people like different music to meditate by. Some like to have music playing in the background while they meditate while others like the form of meditation that involves making music to meditate by.
Meditation is a simple and easy art and even children can easily practice it. With music to meditate by meditation can be made even more interesting for children. You get a choice of meditation music that is especially meant for children.
Whatever form of meditation you choose, it is important to remember that music to meditate by should be simple, calm, soothing and peaceful. It should induce feelings of inner peace and help you to focus. Loud music to meditate by is destructive and unproductive. It is distracting and creates feelings of chaos. The most popular musical instruments associated with meditation include the sitar, flute, Tibetan singing bow and the tambora.
While some people use music to meditate by, there are many musicians who use meditation to calm themselves and to stay focused before any major performance. If you are using music as a means of meditation, you should try and stop doing everything else and just focus on the music in order to get the full benefits of the music. It also helps you to enjoy the music more.
If you are looking for music to meditate by, there are plenty on online websites that offer different kinds of meditation music that you can buy. Some websites allow you to listen to a sample of the music so you can decide if that is what you are looking for. There are even a few websites that offer free mp3 downloads of music to meditate by. Just do an internet search on meditation music and you are sure to find something that is just right for you.
By: Trevor John
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
9:54 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Music To Meditate
From the very early days of meditation becoming popular, music has been a integral to it's effectiveness. There are certain strains of music that are known to have particularly beneficial effects. Music quickly alters ones state of mind, whether it be rock music to get the pumping, sad music to stir emotion, or meditative music to relax the mind. The most common effect of meditation music is the relaxing power to induce feeling of calmness and pleasant mood in the person meditating. A few other special tribal and meditation types of music hold a cleansing quality. This type of music generally has an effect on your "Chakras". Specific wavelengths and vibrations tide up your "chakras" and spiritual blockages.
Together with other equipment of meditation like meditation chairs, meditation music has also been flying off the shelves. In forums conducted for meditation, there is a roaring trade for quality meditation music. In fact, as long as the music fulfills its sole purpose of relaxing the mind and pleasing the temperament, listening to any of the music varieties is helpful. The most fundamental reason why people partake in meditative activities is that they want to address the unbalanced moments and aspects of their lives as calmly as possible, and this is where music helps them release from the chaotic world around them. Although their are some specific meditation music styles that are highly recommended, you may stumble across your ideal audio tracks somewhere else, simply find the music that helps you relax and allows you to clear your mind completely.
No one can say that bringing your heart, mind and body as well as your spirit into a peaceful harmony and alignment can ever be an easy task. But meditation music makes the whole process all the easier for you. With the right genre of music, meditation will remove all material and emotional interruptions from your mind and allow you to discover new levels of deepest concentration.
You will soon notice a change in the way your body feels, a if positive energy is literally flowing through your body. No matter how much a stressed lifestyle you live, when meditation time comes around, everything about you and around you feels tranquil.
In order to truly achieve inner-peace, you will need to learn to work on strengthening the relationship of your mind & body, a feat that is much easier to achieve by embracing the power of sound, a sense that is often overlooked with many mind and self improvement techniques.
There are many aspects to think about, when looking for music to meditate to. The music strain should have the quality to act as a stress manager. It's important you understand that the right type of meditation music depends on your meditation plan. For example, morning meditation is not similar to meditation in the evening. For your morning meditation session, look for music that is fresh and energizing, ready to give you a truly natural kickstart. At night, the music you will use will be relaxing and work to relieve the stress of the day that has passed.
Remember, that 'Meditation Music' doesn't have to be instrumental. Some of the most effective meditation tracks simply use nature noises, such as the cliche sea or forest noises. The point is to ensure that the pace of the meditation music matches the particular ambience and mood that you are looking to achieve in your meditation environment.
By: Jake Jarden
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
9:49 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Music Can Heal
It has been said time and again that music can make you happy or make you cry. It can make you dance or make you relax. But most of all, scientist say that music can heal –- and that is through music therapy. And more and more, medical experts say that music therapy is now being used to treat many illnesses and disorders.
So what does exactly music therapy means? It is actually an established healthcare profession that uses music to improve physical, psychological, cognitive, and social functioning of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for people who are well and meet the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses.
The American Music Therapy in a recent research conducted regarding the use of music therapy find significance on how it can cure. Cancer patients instead of taking painkillers listened to Broadway tunes. Those with Alzheimer's sing along with classical songs. Even pregnant women use music to help them breath and relax during labor. Crying babies listen to lullaby. It benefits not just these ailments but other aging related conditions, substance abuse problems, brain injuries, physical disabilities, acute and chronic pain, psychological disorders as Down syndrome and autism, and people suffering from hypertension as well. Since music affects blood pressure so much. When someone listens to hard music normally blood pressure raises and if one listens soft and classical music blood pressure lowers down. Interestingly, in the research, all showed positive results.
Not only does music help those who are sick, it also does wonders to those who are well. For a student listening to music while preparing for examinations leads him to focus more. For a professional, when reaching home listening to music it can help them relax after a day of hectic activities. For a sportsman or athlete it can relieve fatigue after a hard day of physical and strenuous activities.
Apart from the scientific research, music is a kind of medicine that everyone needs. Thus, it may be for treating sadness and exalting one’s happiness. Take enough dosage of music now! It can be a way to improve your health.
Bienvenido David is an active contributor of the Free Wiki Music Guide. He is also an online retailer of the popular Magic Sing karoke microphone and Magazine Subscriptions.
Posted by
Prashant Soul-One
9:39 PM